You MUST sign-up to volunteer at this event!
Click Here to Sign-Up!
God’s Pit Crew has been invited to the South Boston Speedway to hold a food box giveaway. These food boxes will provide families in the community with a generous box of food and a case of Gatorade. Thank you for considering volunteering for this giveaway at the Speedway! Please review the following requirements before signing up.
Date: Saturday, May 6, 2023
Time: Arrive by 9:30 am-3:30 pm (the actual giveaway is 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., but we need set-up/teardown) Please come directly to the speedway. When you arrive, enter at the first turn-in (on the right) and park in the grassed lot on the right side of the road adjacent to the main gates.
Location: South Boston Speedway
1188 James D Hagood Hwy, South Boston, VA 24592
Lunch, drinks, snacks, and restrooms will be on site for volunteer use. Once you arrive, we will set up, you will be placed in your job assignment, and we will have a short meeting to explain what you will be doing. Please be prompt. This is an exciting opportunity to serve the needy in our community, and we are thankful that you want to be part of it!