Hours after devastating Hurricane Florence blasted the Carolina coast, God’s Pit Crew rolled into the area with Blessing Buckets and relief supplies. Thousands of Blessing Buckets were distributed throughout the coastal areas in response to requests for help. So many touched our hearts as we reached out to the hurting and there was story after story from storm survivors. Here is one family’s experience as they struggle to recover after losing everything. A heartbreaking email came to the GPC contact email from a mom who just wanted to say, “thank you” for the Blessing Bucket her family had received. Razell wrote:
“My family lives in North Carolina and our area in Brighton was one of the hardest to get hit by Florence. We evacuated and returned the day after the storm. My neighbor came over as soon as we pulled in with your blessing bucket. To say the least it was overwhelming to walk into your home destroyed and even having a roll of paper towels that wasn’t wet meant so much. I believe that bucket was filled with love and I could tell you truly care about the people you give the buckets to by the variety of items you filled them with. Even when so much seemed upside down I want you to know God’s Pit Crew helped me before I even knew I needed the help. Thank you so very much!”
God’s Pit Crew staff were moved by Razell’s humbleness, and how she reached out to say “thank you,” amidst all that her family had experienced. We replied with another email to continue to encourage and uplift Razell to let her know that God was there for them during this difficult time. When Razell replied, she shared more about the horror and heartbreak her family had experienced when they had to evacuate.
“We evacuated at 2 in the morning waking my children and mom from sleep saying we have to leave now, until that point we were going to ride out the storm. But my husband and I heard the water coming in a sound I’ll never forget. Nor will I forget their faces when they realized our plans had changed…I’m thankful for that last minute decision to leave… I’ve seen it on the news but now being through something like this myself I still can not believe it. The Blessing Bucket was truly hope in blue. If you can imagine the only thing that is clean and untouched by water is the bucket I held in my hand. Thank you for what you do, what you do for so many. God’s Pit Crew changed our lives. Seeing that paper with all the signatures made me feel less alone and know that even though I wasn’t there when they brought it I knew so many were thinking of us,” said Razell.
Randy Johnson, CEO and founder of GPC, was in the Brighton area as the email correspondence was taking place. He stopped by to visit her and her family only to learn that they had been forced to live on their front porch as their home was destroyed. With the house not livable and no place to go, they were sleeping on the deck of their covered porch. To help them, GPC was able to furnish them with a camper to live in as they work to rebuild their home. The following email was received after Razell’s family had received the camper:
“Words cannot describe to feel as helpless as I felt. To have everything you’ve worked for literally be washed away and no longer have a safe home for your family. Everyone from God’s Pit Crew gave me the opportunity to get my family back. I’m happy my story touched you, I’m sorry that it made you sad I still can’t believe this has happened. I cannot believe someone who didn’t even know me helped me the way you did. I will forever be thankful. Every day I’m reminded of what’s been done for me and for my family. With all my heart thank you.”
Razell and her family were just one of thousands that God’s Pit Crew was able to help during Hurricane Florence. Thanks to generous donors, we were able to provide thousands of Blessing Buckets, over 70 tractor trailers of relief supplies, campers, and volunteers to work for weeks to clear debris and cut trees. When you donate to GPC, you are donating to people like Razell and her family.