God’s Pit Crew is taking on its biggest rebuild project to date. In August, the crisis response team will be rebuilding a flood damaged school in Oklahoma.
In May 2019, the small town of Moffett, Oklahoma, experienced a devastating flood, impacting every house and structure in the town. The Arkansas River broke records when it rose to over 40-feet, leaving the entire town under several feet of water for nine days.
Moffett School, which serves students from Pre-K through eighth grade, is the hub of the community. It sustained major damage during the flood.
Just days after summer break began, teachers were called back in to begin moving things to higher ground “We were called in to get everything off the floor and put it up on our desks and widow sills. Water came in the classrooms five to eight feet deep in almost every room…in every room actually,” said Stacy Bram, who teaches fifth through eighth grade at the school.
Randy and Terri Johnson visited Moffett to experience the damage first-hand. After talking with pastors, and many residents throughout the small town, there was one consistent request being asked: “Please help rebuild our school.”
God’s Pit Crew has committed by faith to return to Moffett in August to begin rebuilding the school. The estimated costs are expected to be $250,000+ to complete the school and have it ready for students to return to class.
“In our 20 year history, this is by far the biggest task that God has ever placed on our heart to accomplish. In the flesh, I see no way that this is possible, but in my spirit I know that with God all things are possible. I was reminded of that just this morning. I was reminded of a quote my son Jarrett said in speaking to his senior class at the end of the year. Jarrett said: ‘Our inability gives God the ability to do the impossible.’ We are believing that folks will rally together to help accomplish this massive task,” said GPC Founder and President Randy Johnson.
To help God’s Pit Crew’s efforts to rebuild this school, please visit GIVE NOW!
“We can’t do any of it without you. You can help us do something massive for the people of Moffett, Oklahoma,” said Johnson.