2022 Impact BB

Blessing Bucket Assemblies Hit the Road

By March 30, 2023May 1st, 2023No Comments

Fun, Fellowship, and the Opportunity to Serve 

Brought to Communities Around the Country

We have always felt the joyous Spirit of assembling Blessing Buckets at the God’s Pit Crew distribution center. What about the others across the country that want to experience the same Blessing of giving hope to others? Hundreds of volunteers come annually to provide hope through these life-sustaining buckets. Last year, in 2021, we kicked off a new program, our Blessing Bucket Mobile Events, and put it into full swing in 2022. Our volunteer event team has traveled as far as Texas and Missouri to hold 15 mobile events; over 15,000 more Blessing Buckets are made available for disaster response.

What an exciting time it has been! We have watched community members unite for one cause; to make Blessing Buckets for someone in crisis. One pastor commented that he saw some of his church members who had never served on the assembly line having a wonderful time. He hopes that by bringing the mobile event to their community, a spark of excitement to help people will ignite into serving more. That is our hope and vision for this program as well! Because it truly is more Blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).

Holding mobile events has also strengthened partnerships. We are forever grateful to Joyce Meyer Ministries Hand of Hope for graciously sponsoring six mobile events in 2022. Their collaboration allowed us to come to six communities that otherwise did not have the means to sponsor an event and provide over 6,000 more people affected by natural disasters with a Blessing Bucket. By holding mobile events with some of our trusted ministry partners, we could stage buckets so that Blessing Bucket could be delivered quickly when a disaster hit. For example, before Hurricane Ian came on shore, we already had ministry partners such as Convoy of Hope and Church of the Highlands ready to deploy with Blessing Buckets.

If you are interested in bringing a Blessing Bucket mobile event to your community, check us out at www.godspitcrew.org/be-the-blessing-packing-events for more information. OR do you want to travel as a volunteer with the team? Great! Email your request to [email protected].