
How You Can Support God’s Pit Crew This Summer

By June 24, 2020No Comments

Dear Friends,

You have generously supported God’s Pit Crew in the past, but I want to share with you an opportunity for you to help today.

Would you prayerfully support God’s Pit Crew with an additional gift today, because summer is just a few short days away? During the summer months, the donations to GPC take a sizable dip down. I realize it’s usually because summer is not “normal” (school is out, and people take vacations). I think you’d agree right now, even more areas in our lives are not “normal.” We have been led by God’s hand to lend even more help to disaster victims. Please keep reading to find out more below.

Your generosity made it possible for God’s Pit Crew to respond to the pandemic crisis with 51 semi-truck loads of relief supplies in 11 states. This included assembling over 150,000 meals for hungry families desperate for food.  Backpacks filled with school supplies were delivered, helping children learn at home while sheltering in place.

While pandemic news captured our attention throughout the spring, the mid-west and south experienced an increase in tornadic storm activity. Over 360 tornadoes ravaged lives and homes since March 1st in the U.S. Because of faithful friends like you, Blessing Buckets packed with bottled water, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products, and canned food were delivered to tornado victims. Your generosity brought hope, love, and care!

God’s Pit Crew recently committed to helping two families in Cleveland, Tennessee, who lost everything due to a destructive tornado. We will be building two houses for these precious families in July this summer.

Would you prayerfully give a generous gift of $50, $500, or even $1,000 to help rebuild the homes and lives of these two families? We have a goal of $240,000 to make these homes a reality and can only do this important work with your generous help.

Please click here to make a donation to God’s Pit Crew. And, if you’d like to volunteer to help in the building of these two homes, please fill out an application form online.

You can genuinely make a big difference in the lives of two families with a generous gift to God’s Pit Crew today. When you give a gift of $50, $500, or $1,000, you are delivering hope, healing, and restoration to hurting people in times of crisis. You are God’s Pit Crew.

Should you have any questions about this ministry or the projects this summer, please call our office at (434) 836-4472 or email us at [email protected].

Thank you so much for your support of God’s Pit Crew, and thank you for impacting lives with the love of Jesus!

Delivering Hope, Healing, and Restoration,

Randy Johnson
Founder and President, God’s Pit Crew