Current October 3, 2022 GOD’S PIT CREW DEPLOYS TO HELP VICTIMS OF HURRICANE IAN DANVILLE, VA. (September 30, 2022) – God’s Pit Crew’s Immediate Response Team will deploy on October 3, to travel to… Carly Brashears Love0
Immediate ResponseImpact Stories June 14, 2022 82-year-old Veteran, George When God’s Pit Crew volunteers were assessing damages in Louisiana after Hurricane Ida, they came across a person in desperate… Carly Brashears Love0
CurrentStories March 23, 2022 Hope for Ukraine God’s Pit Crew has been monitoring the heartbreaking tragedy that is taking place in Ukraine. We were blessed to be… Carly Brashears Love0
Build Project March 23, 2022 God’s Pit Crew To Build Four Brand New Homes for Tornado Victims God's Pit Crew will return to Kentucky and Tennessee later this summer to provide brand new homes to four families… Carly Brashears Love0
CurrentImmediate Response January 5, 2022 Kentucky Tornado Response Dozens of lives lost. Catastrophic damage. God’s Pit Crew is deploying volunteers and tractor-trailer loads of Blessing Buckets and supplies to… Carly Brashears Love0
CurrentImpact StoriesStories October 25, 2021 Breaking New Ground | Cleveland, Tennessee A kitchen table. From the time he was a young boy, Josh Dutton dreamed of having his own house with… Carly Brashears Love0
CurrentImmediate ResponseImpact StoriesStories October 18, 2021 Hurricane Ida Response God’s Pit Crew has finished its deployment to South Louisiana. After five weeks of serving the residents of LaFourche &… Carly Brashears Love0
Uncategorized September 23, 2021 God’s Pit Crew Women’s Conference The God's Pit Crew Women's Conference will be held on Friday, November 12, from 6:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. at… Carly Brashears Love0
CurrentImpact StoriesStories August 23, 2021 Canton, North Carolina Flood Response Devastating flash floods. The remnants of Tropical Storm Fred caused catastrophic flooding in Canton, North Carolina, and the surrounding… Carly Brashears Love0
CurrentImpact Stories June 10, 2021 Grace Harbor Lighthouse Rebuild Project | Lake Charles, Louisiana Lake Charles area was devastated by two Category 4 Hurricanes when Laura and Delta made landfall within just a couple… Carly Brashears Love0